Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jindal backing cycle helmet repeal law

Louisiana should get rid of its law requiring adult motorcyclists to wear helmets, a House committee voted Tuesday, after hearing that Gov. Bobby Jindal supports the repeal.

The House Transportation Committee passed without objection Rep. Jim Morris' bill after hearing testimony from the governor's top lawyer, executive counsel Jimmy Faircloth, that the Jindal administration considers helmet use a choice that adults should be allowed to make for themselves.

Earlier Tuesday, Jindal told reporters that government should let people make such decisions.

"I would certainly recommend people wear a helmet. If I rode a motorcycle, I would certainly wear a helmet. I also feel it's important that people have a right, that adults have a right to make choices for themselves," Jindal said.

"I think we want to be very careful about the slippery slope to a nanny state."

No one spoke in opposition to the measure by Morris, R-Shreveport, which moves next to the House floor. Morris said he expects other lawmakers to propose floor amendments that would require bikers to have a minimum level of health insurance if they chose to forego helmets.

The Senate's health committee blocked a similar proposal last year.

On the Internet: House Bill 639 can be viewed at http://legis.state.la.us/

This article was published by The Advocate

If you or a loved one is a victim of a motorcycle accident, call the Baton Rouge attorneys at Murphy Law Firm 225-928-8800.